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METAhub - Museum ­ Education ­ Theatre ­ Arts

Culture in digital and public space

METAhub Frankfurt locates cultural assets in digital space and makes them tangible in urban space. The project is based on a new form of collaboration between museum curators and dramaturgs with media artists.

At METAhub Frankfurt, everything revolves around places whose Jewish history has been overlaid in today's cityscape. We rediscover them and invite engagement with what is missing, through interventions in urban space, artistic positions, discussion events, tours, and much more. To document our project results and make them available for reuse, we have developed an open-source framework that allows us to centrally control multiple websites and apps and populate them with content for various target groups.

Interventions in urban space

Artistic projects

The framework

Together with the Dutch agency Fabrique, we have developed a joint editorial environment in which we can edit content for multiple digital projects. Thus, employees of the participating cultural institutions can work on several digital projects with just one login and after learning one system - we also unite the data and knowledge from numerous projects under one "roof". The code is already available on GitHub to a large extent and can be reused.

Connected to the common framework - besides this website - are already:

Open Educational Resources

The OER team develops modular educational materials that can be freely used, edited, and distributed: so-called Open Educational Resources. These teaching and learning resources are made available digitally, free of charge, and without copyright restrictions through METAhub. This enables dynamic use, adaptation, and further development of the materials to meet the specific challenges of today's (extra-)curricular education.

The goal is to make Jewish urban history visible and tangible in urban spaces again.

The target groups for the OERs are young people in secondary levels I and II, as well as multipliers such as teachers, social workers, and political educators.

The following focal points are at the center:

  1. The history of Börneplatz as a contested site of turbulent German-Jewish history
  2. The conflict over the settlement in the Frankfurt Judengasse in the 15th century
  3. Life in the Judengasse and the early modern city
  4. The preparation and follow-up of a visit to the Museum Judengasse
  5. The Jewish Community of Offenbach and the development of modern Judaism

The Open Educational Resources are developed in cooperation with the Fritz Bauer Institute.

The partners


With METAhub Frankfurt, the Jewish Museum and the Archaeological Museum are jointly developing a digital application that brings together part of their collections, makes them available in narrative form, and allows them to be experienced in their former location as augmented reality.

Artists and Coders

The Künstlerhaus Mousonturm invites artists to make performative interventions in urban space with the digitized cultural assets; the NODE Forum establishes contact with coders who further develop the application and the reusable data and, as a digital partner, contributes its expertise in the participatory development of socio-political topics.

The sponsors

METAhub Frankfurt is funded by the Kultur Digital program of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain, and by funds from the Department of Culture and Science of the City of Frankfurt am Main.

Funded by the Digital Culture Programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation